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发布时间:2025-02-10 04:34:02点击:

本文摘要:Beautifulpeople.com, an elite dating website for the exclusively good looking, has reportedly had the private data of more than 1 million users leaked. Beautifulpeople.com是仅有对美貌人士对外开放的精英约会交友网站,据报导,其一百多万用户的隐私数据遭泄漏。

Beautifulpeople.com, an elite dating website for the exclusively good looking, has reportedly had the private data of more than 1 million users leaked. Beautifulpeople.com是仅有对美貌人士对外开放的精英约会交友网站,据报导,其一百多万用户的隐私数据遭泄漏。The breach leaked information such as addresses, sexual preferences and incomes, as well as millions of private messages, sold online by the hackers. 这些被黑客盗取并泄漏的隐私信息约数百万条,住址、性取向和收益等信息都被放在网上贩卖。

Beautifulpeople.com claims to exclude unattractive people by having existing members rate those trying to sign up. Prospective members must pass a certain ratings threshold to be allowed on the website: millions have been denied access, the company says, while thousands of members have been removed for gaining weight after joining. Beautifulpeople.com网站称之为,现有会员不会对登记人员的外貌展开评分,以筛掉那些魅力过于的人。想沦为会员,必需要超过一个特定的评分标准。

该公司称之为,有数好几百万申请者被拒绝接受,而且好几千名会员因在登记后体重增加而被免职。The site claims to be “the largest dating community of attractive people in the world” and to have spawned 700 marriages. 该网站说道他们是“世界上仅次于的魅力人士约会交友社区”,且已促使了700桩婚事。It says several members have been “discovered” on the website and gone on to jobs in TV or modelling. In 2011, it claimed that a Shrek virus had allowed thousands of unworthy people to join the website, although this was dismissed as a publicity stunt. Beautifulpeople.com还称之为,有几位会员在网站上被“考古”,获得了电视台或模特儿行业的工作机会。

2011年,该网站称之为遭了 “怪物史莱克”病毒的攻击,数以千计过于资格的人重新加入了网站,后来这一众说纷纭被回应是抹黑。Beautifulpeople.com was originally hacked in December, when the breach appeared to be confined to a database of test accounts. However, the data of real users is now being traded online, security expert Troy Hunt told Forbes. 安全性专家特罗伊亨特对《福布斯》说道,最初,Beautifulpeople.com网站在12月遭了黑客攻击,但或许只是入侵了测试账户的数据库。

而现在现实用户的数据被放在网上贩卖。Dozens of different details are reportedly included in the leak, among them education, phone numbers and location data. 据报导,泄漏的信息中包括各种各样的细节,比如教育信息、电话号码、地理位置等等。More damaging, however, can simply be the existence of a profile on a dating website, especially for those who may not want their existence made public. Mr Hunt said that the email addresses in the leak included 170 ending in “.gov”, meaning US government employees used their work email addresses to sign up. 然而,极具破坏性的是会员在交友网站建档这一事实本身,尤其是那些想让别人告诉自己在交友网站的人。

亨特先生说道泄漏的邮箱地址中有170个以“.gov”结尾,解释有美国公务员用自己的工作邮箱地址登记了约会网站。There are also 170 .gov email addresses in the Beautiful People breach. I keep seeing a heap of gov stuff where it probably shouldnt be... 在魅力人士网站的侵略资料中还有170个以.gov结尾的邮箱地址。

我总是看到一堆堆政府人员的信息,也许这些信息不应当经常出现在这种地方…… — Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) April 25, 2016 ——特罗伊亨特(@troyhunt)2016年4月25日 Ashley Madison, a dating website exclusively for married people looking for affairs, was hacked last year, embarrassing thousands. 去年,专门为未婚人士找寻婚外情的交友网站“阿什利麦迪逊”遭到黑客攻击,数千名用户陷于失望境地。Beautifulpeople.com reiterated a statement from December about the hack being limited to a test server but has not commented on claims the leak was wider than that. Beautifulpeople.com网站申明去年12月的那个声明,称之为黑客只是反击了测试服务器,但对于此次更大范围的信息泄漏,他们仍未做出对此。

