


发布时间:2024-11-17 04:34:01点击:

本文摘要:A Chinese regulator has given Microsoft Corp 20 days to reply to its concerns about the antitrust implications of its marketing of its Windows and Office software.中国政府指出微软公司(Microsoft)在Windows和Office软件营销方面有独占之斥,并且给了该公司20天时间展开说明。

A Chinese regulator has given Microsoft Corp 20 days to reply to its concerns about the antitrust implications of its marketing of its Windows and Office software.中国政府指出微软公司(Microsoft)在Windows和Office软件营销方面有独占之斥,并且给了该公司20天时间展开说明。The State Administration for Industry and Commerce said in a short statement on its website that it questioned Microsoft’s senior director for strategic sourcing David Chen and would expect a written reply from the company within 20 days.国家工商总局在其网站上公布结尾公告称之为,该局已向微软公司负责管理战略订购事务的副总裁陈实收到发言,后者不应在20天内做出书面回应。SAIC also repeated that it suspected the company has not fully disclosed issues relating to the compatibility of the software and the operating system, according to Reuters.路透社(Reuters)报导,工商总局同时申明,该局猜测微软公司未充份透露与Office和Windows兼容性有关的问题。

Microsoft said in a statement of its own that it was “serious about complying with China’s laws and committed to addressing SAIC’s questions and concerns.”微软公司发表声明称之为,公司“一直允诺严格遵守中国涉及法律,并坦率对待中国国家工商总局明确提出的涉及问题,缜密答案涉及顾虑”Microsoft chief executive Satya Nadella is expected to visit China later September, although there are no precise details of that trip yet.微软公司首席执行官萨蒂亚o纳德纳预计将在本月晚些时候访美,只是他的明确行程仍未透漏。Microsoft is only one of a number of international companies to feel the force of a multi-fronted Chinese clampdown on perceived price-gouging in recent weeks. Another regulator, the National Development and Reform commission, is looking into suspected price-rigging by chipmaker Qualcomm Inc QCOM 0.24% , while international carmakers have been hit with a flurry of fines for rigging prices for spare parts and after-sales services.将近几周,中国政府指出多家跨国公司的产品在华售价过低,因而多管齐下不予整顿,微软公司只是其中的一个。与此同时,国家发改委正在调查芯片制造商高通(Qualcomm)否在操控产品价格。而几家跨国汽车厂商早已因为操控备件和售后服务价格接到了一连串罚单。

The crackdown has happened concurrent with a drop in foreign direct investment into China, which some analysts have blamed on the authorities’ clampdown. Others, however, see it as driven more by the slowdown in economic growth as the country tries to re-orient its economy more toward the domestic consumer and away from heavy industry and exports, as well as by political tensions over territorial dispute with Asian neighbors, who are large inward investors.就在中国政府采行上述措施的同时,外商必要对华投资经常出现了上升,有些分析师将此归结政府对这些公司的整顿。不过,其他分析师指出这更好地是因为中国正在展开经济转型,将经济焦点从重工业和出口改向居民消费,进而导致经济增长速度上升;另一个原因是中国和亚洲邻国的领土争端使得政治局势紧绷,而这些国家有大量对华投资。Over the first seven months of the year, FDI into was down 0.4% from the same period in 2013, and FDI from the U.S. in particular was down $17%. Overall, July’s figure of $7.8 billion was the lowest monthly figure in two years.今年1-7月,中国的外商必要投资比上年同期上升了0.4%,来自美国的外商必要投资降幅尤其大,按美元计算出来增加了17%。7月份外商必要投资为78亿美元,是两年来的最低点。

